Wherever you are
Whatever you're doing
In my heart, I can feel you
I knew I would fall in love with you
I had no choice but to love you
Because in my eyes, in my heart
You shine like a STAR
I start my day with you
I end my day with you
I only want one thing as the day ends
I couldn't tell you I love you yet
So from slightly far away, behind you
I smile
(K.Will - Like A Star)
No matter who you are..
a teenage footballer, you showed us hope...and pure love..
as the great F4 Leader..you fought for your love....
an Architect, you taught us how to love......
a City Hunter, you fought for justice....
a great undefeated Daejang warrior who protects his king....and his love..
and as the love biggest "Heirs"....
no matter what you sing...
no matter how you dance..
no matter what you wear...
no matter what you drink..
no matter what you drive..
no matter how you look...
no matter what you achieved..
no matter what you use..
no matter what..
....you will always be here...here....in my heart..

my one and only..
in hardship..and pain...
your smile..your laugh.....will be always cherished..

Love you Min ho sshi..forever..

Thank you..
Thank you for being there..
Thank you for your songs..
Thank you for your love......
Thank you for your dramas...
Thank you for being my inspiration....
These 8 years...
I have cried..I have lauged.. I was sad... I was happy because of you Min Ho sshi..
Photos: credit as tagged
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