What a blow to K-drama fans! The newest list of eligible stars who may be serving military service this year is shocking. At first this list was suspected of being a hoax, but the stars listed are at about the right age. Here's a list of the actors who have been named by Korean media as soon to be taking their military leave, including their birth dates.

1. Jang Geun Suk (August 4, 1987, will be 27 this year)

2. Kim Hyun Joong (June 6, 1986, will be 28 this year)

3. Park Yoo Chun (June 4, 1986, will be 28 this year), 4. Kim Jae Joong (January 26, 1986, already 28), 5. Kim Junsu (December 15, 1986, will be 28 this year)
Oh no! The entire JYJ group?

6. Jung Yunho (February 6, 1986)

7. Lee Seung Gi (January 13, 1987)

8. Lee Min Ho (June 22, 1987, will be 27 this year)

9. Kim Soo Hyun (February 16, 1988)

Fans are crying their hearts out already! It is interesting how close these superstars are in their ages and even birth dates.
In South Korea it is an obligation of all males between the ages of 18 to 35 to serve their military service. The length of service varies depending on the military branch: 21 months for Army and Marines, 23 months for Navy, 24 months for Air Force. The non-active duty service, e.g. civil service or public service worker, is from 24 months to 36 months. Athletes who win medals at the Olympic Games or gold medals at the Asian Games are granted exemptions but still have to serve four weeks in basic training.
Aha, I see a loophole for Kim Soo Hyun: Someone who is at least 400 years old doesn't have to serve in the military, right?