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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lee Min Ho Interview with Sina

Lee Min Ho recorded this interview during his trip to China last two weeks for Bounty Hunter promotion.

It's not subtitled yet. If I managed to find one, I will post it here.

Among the questions ask is about how he loves candy. He plead Minoz to stop giving him candies since his teeth is in bad this guy. And he asked us to help other who are in need for help instead. Such a sweet guy..

And regarding a Minoz from China that shaved her hair coz of Min Ho military, he also plead us not to affect our own personal life because of him. So mInoz think twice before you do something. He said that there is no notice on his military yet. And by then this particular Minoz hair would grow long already. So indirectly he is telling us that his military is due later..much later..

He agreed to join Bounty Hunter as he wants to return the love he received from China fans.

Question: chose between cucumber & parsley? MH: Parsley!!

Question: chinese language is hard or acting is hard? MH: Acting!!

This guy..anyway..enjoy

Cr owner

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